Our nephew is in art class and had to make a 3d render of something from the cemetery. He choose a obelisk since it looks like him. He's pretty creative considering he just learned how to new Ferrara brand Italian computer.
11/10/2023 23:22 #60915
Gramma Category: plushie
Another successful shotgun wedding.
Momente des Glücks, strahlend und rein,
Augen, die leuchten beim Ja-Wort so fein.
Sterne am Himmel, Zeugen der Nacht,
Unendliche Liebe, die Herzen entfacht.
Musik und Tanz, das Glück so nah,
Immer verbunden, Jahr für Jahr.
02/20/2023 22:19 #60912
More Coaches in Jockstraps Category: art
02/20/2023 22:17 #60911
Some Fun Patterns and Phone Background Category: art